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Bureau 302

IRMAR, Université de Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex

Chargée de recherche CNRS, IRMAR, Université de Rennes I (France).

Equipes de Géométrie analytique et de Théorie ergodique.

Research interests

  • Low dimensional topology, geometry and dynamics
  • Interactions with geometric group theory
  • Interactions with complex dynamics

  • Papers


  • An infinite clique of high-filling rays in the plane minus a Cantor set, arXiv (2021).

    Published or to appear

  • With Alden Walker -- Two simultaneous actions of big mapping class groups, Transactions of the AMS (2022), arXiv (2018).
  • With Spencer Dowdall and Kasra Rafi -- Isomorphisms between big mapping class groups, International Mathematics Research Notices (2018), arXiv (2017).
  • With Alden Walker -- The Gromov boundary of the ray graph, Transactions of the AMS (2018), arXiv (2016).
  • With Anthony Genevois -- Big mapping class groups are not acylindrically hyperbolic, Mathematica Slovaca (2018), arXiv (2015).
  • Conjugacy invariants for Brouwer mapping classes, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2016), arXiv (2015).
  • Hyperbolicité du graphe des rayons et quasi-morphismes sur un gros groupe modulaire, Geometry & Topology (2016), French (2014) and English (2018) versions on arXiv.
  • Master Thesis and PhD Thesis

  • Dynamique topologique sur les surfaces : gros groupes modulaire et classes de Brouwer, PhD thesis (2015).
  • Quasi-morphismes sur le groupe de tresses, Master thesis (2013).